Lectures *Click on each description to open the presentation in a new tab. Presentation by Louis Fanchini on LHHs at the French Philatelic Academy on 09/12/2023 (In French) Summary of the presentation by Louis Fanchini on LHHs at the French Philatelic Academy on 09/12/2023 (In French) Philotelism: Stamps - Post Office - Communication - C. Hazapis Examples of Greek Air Mail to South America 1930-1941 - Presentation at HPS online meeting on 9/25/2023 by Alexis Papadopoulos Presentation for M.Kaitatzidis from Philatelic Society of Lesvos Presentation for M.Kaitatzidis from Philatelic Society of Lesvos Mikrasia Memory 2022- See the exhibits and listen to their presentation here The Greek Poets on Maximum Cards – N.Mallouchos The Acropolis and Ancient Greek Art on the Greek Stamp - N. Mallouchos